
Funny smiling 3D orange cat, a vector emoji

Funny smiling 3D orange cat, a vector emoji


Funny smiling 3D orange cat with green eyes and a tongue, a vector emoji. Can be used as a clipart, as a pet template, as an emoji, as a decoration for banner, poster, flyer, also can be used for printing. Color mode is RGB. Available in AI, EPS and JPEG formats.

Topic: Animals & Pets, Pet Shop Templates, Cat Templates, Art Templates, Clip Art Templates, Art & Culture,

Color: white, brown, orange,

tags: animal, art, cartoon, cat, cute, design, eyes, funny, green, icon, illustration, kitten, orange, positive, smile, smiling, tongue, vector, 3d, emoji,

filesIncluded: JPEG, EPS, AI,

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"Template #" 420873
Тип: Vectors
Author: Sibagariang94
Downloads: 0
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Template # 420873
Type: Vectors
Author: Sibagariang94
Downloads: 0
Topic: Animals & Pets, Pet Shop Templates, Cat Templates, Art Templates, Clip Art Templates, Art & Culture,

Color: white, brown, orange,

tags: animal, art, cartoon, cat, cute, design, eyes, funny, green, icon, illustration, kitten, orange, positive, smile, smiling, tongue, vector, 3d, emoji,

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