
Upload product dashboard - for digital marketplace

Upload product dashboard - for digital marketplace



This UIKit template provides a dashboard for authors to upload items to a marketplace. The template is designed to help authors make fast decisions about their listings, based on psychological research on decision-making.

The dashboard is also designed to be visually appealing and easy to use. It features a clean and modern design, and the interface is intuitive and easy to navigate.

Benefits of Using the Dashboard

The dashboard provides a number of benefits to authors, including:

  • Reduced time to upload items: The dashboard helps authors to upload items quickly and efficiently by providing clear instructions, tools, and resources.
  • Increased listing quality: The dashboard helps authors to create high-quality listings by providing templates, resources, and a decision tree for choosing keywords and tags.
  • Improved sales: The dashboard helps authors to make decisions that are more likely to lead to sales by incorporating psychological research principles into the design.


Figma File Font name


Using free font Images are dummy, only for presentation. not available in the file

tags: account, application, apply, cloud, connection, data, form, illustration, information, interface, network, server, sharing, site, storage, technology, upload, cloud computing, ui, submit,

Topic: Electronics Review Templates, Information Security Templates, Communications Templates, Computers Templates, Electronics Templates, Hosting Templates, Internet Templates, Software Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Computers & Internet,

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"Template #" 369673
Тип: UI Elements
Author: ffeeaarr
Downloads: 0
Template # 369673
Type: UI Elements
Author: ffeeaarr
Downloads: 0
tags: account, application, apply, cloud, connection, data, form, illustration, information, interface, network, server, sharing, site, storage, technology, upload, cloud computing, ui, submit,

Topic: Electronics Review Templates, Information Security Templates, Communications Templates, Computers Templates, Electronics Templates, Hosting Templates, Internet Templates, Software Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Computers & Internet,

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