
E-Inculcator - Online Learning Website UI Kit

E-Inculcator - Online Learning Website UI Kit


E-Inculcator - Online Learning Website UI Kit is a premium website template that is designed specifically for online learning platforms, educational institutions, and individual educators who want to offer their courses and services online.

The template is fully unique and easy to customize, allowing users to create a unique and professional online learning platform that meets their specific needs. The design is modern and user-friendly, featuring a clean and organized layout that emphasizes content and user experience.

E-Inculcator - Online Learning Website UI Kit template comes with a range of powerful features, including:

1. A customizable homepage with a modern and professional design, featuring a header section with a logo, navigation menu, and call-to-action buttons.

2. Multiple course and lesson page templates that allow users to create and organize their content in a visually appealing and user-friendly way.

Overall, the E-Inculcator - Online Learning Website UI Kit is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create a professional and effective online learning platform. With its powerful features and easy customization options, it is certain to meet the needs of educators and learners alike.

What Make Our Design Better

1. Easy to make changes.

2. Organized Layers and Structure.

3. Limited Colors with Color Styles.

4. Unique colors with creative layout.

Pages Included in Design

1. Home Page.

2. Classes Page.

3. Study Material Page.

4. Video Lecture Page.

5. Online Test Page.

6. Blog Page.

7. Profile Page.

8. Login Page.

9. Contact Us Page.

10. Terms and Conditions Page.

11. Privacy Policy Page.

And Many more


Topic: Education Templates, Primary School Templates, Education & Books, Elementary School, Med School,

Color: white, yellow,

tags: academy, business, course, education, elementary, kids, online, school, students, study, training, online education, website design, online learning website, online education platform, study materials, learning website,

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"Template #" 326937
Тип: UI Elements
Author: Uptechies
Downloads: 0
Template # 326937
Type: UI Elements
Author: Uptechies
Downloads: 0
Topic: Education Templates, Primary School Templates, Education & Books, Elementary School, Med School,

Color: white, yellow,

tags: academy, business, course, education, elementary, kids, online, school, students, study, training, online education, website design, online learning website, online education platform, study materials, learning website,