
Mindmap Infographic Templates

Mindmap Infographic Templates


Mindmap Infographic Templates – Mindmapping is a visual and conceptual thinking skill which is used to enhance memory and creativity. Mindmapping is a way to structure ideas and thoughts and is used in presentation, education, information and project management. Mindmap Infographic Templates is an extremely helpful Slide in templating the mindmaps in effective and attractive way. The template design helps in easy understanding of the data without any jargon.

Mindmaps have been used most commonly as visual displays of brainstorming sessions. They are popular due to their simplicity and flexibility, which allows for creativity in concept development. A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central keyword or idea. A standard mind map has a key word in a central circle and other ideas branching off from it.

Mindmap Infographic Templates For Company Owner

Are you Company owner who wants to come up with a unique infographic to create buzz for your brand? Then this is the deal for you! There are many types of infographics templates out there in the market. But, what makes ours different? It’s all about the customer experience. A customer-centric infographic template has to be informative, attractive and easy to understand. That’s our goal here at Mindmap. We believe that customer-centricity leads to customer satisfaction, which then leads to customer loyalty. Our infographic templates are designed to help you convey information in a way that is easily understandable and memorable.

▶ F E A T U R E


✔ Instant Download – your files are available immediately after purchase

✔ Professional, clean design

✔ Easy to edit in PowerPoint (PPT), Apple Keynote File, Google Slides, Illustrator (EPS) File,

✔ 100% Editable

✔ Using a free font

▶ W H A T ' S I N S I D E


✔ PowerPoint (PPT) File

✔ Apple Keynote File

✔ Google Slides

✔ Illustrator (EPS)

✔ Help File Documentation

✔ Links to free fonts used

✔ Fast and friendly customer service for any help you may need

▶ S U P P O R T


For any help regarding this file, please feel free to contact me and I’ll be glad to offer support. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much! Please don’t underestimate the power of the stars.


Color: black, white, grey,

Template Software Required: Adobe Illustrator 8+, Adobe Illustrator CS2, PowerPoint 2003 or 2007 (better), Powerpoint 2007 (recommended) or Powerpoint 2003,

tags: brainstorming, diagrams, templates, visualization, infographic, graphic design, mindmap, organizational charts, idea generation, data visualization, information design, creative tools, information mapping, concept mapping, mind tools, cognitive mapping, knowledge mapping, visual thinking, diagram templates, mindful design,

Topic: Design, Design & Photography,

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"Template #" 373012
Тип: Infographic Elements
Author: MightySlide
Downloads: 0
Template # 373012
Type: Infographic Elements
Author: MightySlide
Downloads: 0
Color: black, white, grey,

Template Software Required: Adobe Illustrator 8+, Adobe Illustrator CS2, PowerPoint 2003 or 2007 (better), Powerpoint 2007 (recommended) or Powerpoint 2003,

tags: brainstorming, diagrams, templates, visualization, infographic, graphic design, mindmap, organizational charts, idea generation, data visualization, information design, creative tools, information mapping, concept mapping, mind tools, cognitive mapping, knowledge mapping, visual thinking, diagram templates, mindful design,

Topic: Design, Design & Photography,

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