Bella Donna / Elegant Signature
Proudly present Bella Donna is the elegant signature font. Bella Donna comes with opentype features such alternate set, beginning and ending swash, and ligatures set. This font also come with two weight regular and bold, you can switch it. Bella Donna is perfect for branding, logo font, qoute text, wedding invitations, advertising, publishing, headline text, and etc.
The package you'll get
- Bella Donna Regular (otf, ttf, and woff/webfont)
- Bella Donna Bold (otf, ttf, and woff/webfont)
- Multilingual Support more than 30 leanguges
- PUA encoded
- Opentype fetures
If you have any questions or getting a technical issue, don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks have a nice day.
filesIncluded: OTF, TTF,
tags: advertising, publishing, quote, elegant font, logo font, feminine font, wedding font, pretty fonts, signature font, wedding invitation, branding font, custom font, elegant script, font duo, website font, signature script, font family, swash font, handwriting script, italian style,
Topic: Design, Design & Photography,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch, iWork Pages,
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"Template #" 276638 | |
Тип: | Fonts |
Author: | Javapep |
Downloads: | 0 |
filesIncluded: OTF, TTF,
tags: advertising, publishing, quote, elegant font, logo font, feminine font, wedding font, pretty fonts, signature font, wedding invitation, branding font, custom font, elegant script, font duo, website font, signature script, font family, swash font, handwriting script, italian style,
Topic: Design, Design & Photography,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch, iWork Pages,
tags: advertising, publishing, quote, elegant font, logo font, feminine font, wedding font, pretty fonts, signature font, wedding invitation, branding font, custom font, elegant script, font duo, website font, signature script, font family, swash font, handwriting script, italian style,
Topic: Design, Design & Photography,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Code Editor, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, Sketch, iWork Pages,