
Choose Innovations,

Choose Life!

Select solar panels and make your contribution to ecology and life on the Earth! This solution will positively affect your life!

Ecology Is Your Best Investment

Solarin is a leader in energy-saving industry in the USA. The company was established in 2006 and soon gained a reputation of trusted company.

Since then, we’ve installed over 15,000 solar energy systems for homes, businesses, schools, government facilities, and utilities across the country, totaling more than 260 megawatts of clean energy. We have both individual and corporate clients who have already appreciated solar energy and successfully use it for their work and life.

We continue developing our technology and implementing innovations for better functionality and more energy saving.


Solar Energy

Whether you’re a homeowner, business, or nonprofit, electricity costs can make up a large portion of your monthly expenses. Even if you don’t produce 100% of the energy you consume, solar will reduce your utility bills, saving you a lot of money. With the cost of solar becoming more affordable it is now more affordable than ever.

Some Of Our Services

Using of wind energy saves you up to 40% funds and produce the same amount of…
It provides with enhanced cost stability driven by reduced exposure to volatile resource pricing.
The most efficient type of PV solar panel available is monocrystalline silicon panel.
Multiple solar cells are interconnected to create a module, which comprises the panel.
Solarin provides the full project’s maintenance and assistant to all clients.
We take full responsibility for project construction and engineering communications.
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Highland St, Arlington

VA 32101, USA

Monday-Saturday 7:00AM - 6:00PM

Sunday Closed

Email: Tell: info@Solarin.com

Tel. 800 1234 56 78