We know the best way
to lose weight

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Your personal fitness plan: Ten-Minute Workouts

Short on time? Tired to exercise after work and hate the gym? Transform your body with 10-MINUTE EXERCISE a day. That's just what you need. Fit it into your daily schedule and start transform your body, make it perfect.

Weight loss
made easy

The site provides expert information on weight loss, diet plans, nutrition, health, and exercise. Our nutrition and health experts contribute over 500 articles annually on a wide array of topics including sports nutrition, low fat and heart healthy diets, children’s nutrition, diet and cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

If you’ve ever struggled with your weight (and seriously, how many of us haven’t?) you’ve probably read the standard advice doled out by health professionals everywhere: There’s no magic, fat-melting pill (darn!); eat less, count calories, exercise and you’ll lose weight. It’s not brain science. You just need to get serious about it.

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We make eating delicious food easy with cookbooks and free online recipes. Check out the amazing food you’ll enjoy.

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Every body is different. Use our body mass calculator to determine if you’re currently in the healthy weight range.

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Get some expert advice

Set goals

Once you understand that equation, you're ready to set your weight-loss goals and make a plan for reaching them. Do it with your doctor.

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count calories

Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages.

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Also, plan smart: Anticipate how you'll handle situations that challenge your resolve and the inevitable minor setbacks.

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get fit

Get to know the most effective ways to lose weight, gain muscle mass and get stronger. Get fit and stay healthy! You can do it!

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