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Makeup must for winter: 2016

As the orange and yellow colored leaves fall and things slowly turn to be winterish, the cold season is creeping into view.

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not...

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not only gives you a little charm to look forward to it`s also the ideal excuse to throw away your day-to-day look and go for that amazing new makeup and ...

Top 10 Best Blush Dupes

While most women go right after lipsticks or chase over foundations, my personal beauty obsession has...

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not...

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not only gives you a little charm to look forward to it`s also the ideal excuse to throw away your day-to-day look and go for that amazing new makeup and ...

Makeup must for winter: 2016

As the orange and yellow colored leaves fall and things slowly turn to be winterish, the cold season is creeping into view.

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not...

Best makeup secrets & looks for a date night

Whether you`re already ringed or simply going for a love seeking date, planning a romantic evening not only gives you a little charm to look forward to it`s also the ideal excuse to throw away your day-to-day look and go for that amazing new makeup and ...