Business taken to the new heights


Marketing research solutions

Our company provides a vast choice of marketing research solutions to enable your business with knowledge about needs of your target customer. Our specialists will inform you about the most appropriate ways of presenting your product on the market using personalized marketing strategies.

With various marketing research options available, at Dzen Business Solutions you will always find an appropriate service that your company will benefit from.


Lawyer solutions & support

Need a judicial support for your business? Dzen Business Solutions can offer you any kind of lawyer solutions, regardless of your company's size. Our qualified lawyers and judicial workers will not just consult you, but also give you additional support in law suits.

We conduct free judicial consultations for various companies and businesses. If you need an extended level of lawyer support, you can choose an appropriate set of services on our website.


Money saving tips and ideas

Whether you own an international company or a small business, and you are looking for ways of minimizing your business expenses, Dzen has a lot for you to offer. With different options available, you can be sure you will get just what your business needs.

We specialize on money saving tips and ideas as well as business consulting. From the day our company was found, we have been gathering a real team of professionals in financial consulting. Each of them is always ready to help you on your request.

Offering helpful business

tips & advice to help your business start up

Dzen Business consulting was found in 1990. Since that time, our main goal has been helping businesses of all kinds to grow and develop. Today we still care about bringing profit to business owners and the state. That's why we have real professionals working for us. They specialize in law, IT industry, tax consulting and many other spheres.
years of

Marketing research

Our marketing research department is concentrated on making products of our clients attractive for their target audience. If your business needs help in product promotion, Dzen is always ready to help.

Our marketing specialists have recently developed a unique marketing strategy that will suit the requirements of any company. It includes advertising...

Education & training

Today more and more people find business consulting interesting and promising as a future profession. We decided to give students a chance to be taught and prove that they deserve to be a part of Dzen Business Solutions.

If you are 21 y.o. or older, have a Bachelor Degree in economy and entrepreneurship, and a strong desire to become a business...

Outsourcing programs

There are thousands of companies located worldwide that need assistance in business development. We think these companies often need a proper consultation in their products promotion or judicial assistance.

That's why we decided to introduce outsourcing programs that would help companies worldwide to develop and promote their products.

Compensation & employee benefits:

We will teach your team how to increase your revenues & decrease expenses in INTERNET MARKETING

Have you ever tried promoting your products via the Internet? It's not just a powerful social instrument, it is also widely used in marketing. It helps to lower your expenses compared with a usual means of marketing. The success of your business online depends...