PDF & Print Plus Demo

Click the Buttons Below to See Live PDF & Print Buttons Preview!


Let’s start! We created this page, then went to the plugin settings and configured it. You can see it in the preview. We enabled PDF and Print buttons in posts and pages and then we chose where to display them: above the main content. But they don’t have a strict position. You are free to decide where you want to locate them: on top or bottom, on the left or right – it’s all up to you. Or you can add them to the chosen place using [bws_pdfprіnt display=”pdf,print”] shortcode.

Button icons can be changed too. So if you don’t like the default icons, you can easily change them by uploading your own or even deleting them completely. If you go to the setting page, you’ll see that you can add a title for the icons. 

Also, as you can see this page has featured image, which is also displayed in PDF and Print page versions. So you can choose what additional elements (Title and Featured image) you want to display.

PDF & Print plugin is compatible with our Gallery by BestWebSoft plugin, Portfolio by BestWebSoft plugin, WooCommerce, and others. Here we displayed Gallery plugin using the shortcode, so don’t worry, your users will definitely see all the beautiful pictures you have.

May buttons work for you today!

This demo website is created for BestWebSoft products demonstration