Discover new cultures and have a wonderful rest with Metrip agency!

Select the country you’d like to visit and provide our agents with estimated time – they’ll find and offer the most suitable tours and hotels.

178 West 27th Street, Suite 527, New
York NY 10012, United States


The leading travel agency always available at your service

During our work, we organized countless journeys for our clients. We started as a small tour bureau, and soon we expanded our offers list. Today, we can advise the most stunning resorts, cities and countries to visit!

Why travelers choose us

From ordinary to extraordinary

We can secure special benefits that you can’t get on your own, such as complimentary breakfast, spa credits, and upgrades at hotels. But we also see the nuances in every trip.

10+ years of reliability

Our expert team takes pride in their thoughtful approach to planning your holiday. We find out what you think might make it extra special, then we add little touches.

Featured destinations

Take a look at popular destinations
and tours offered by our agency

At Metrip, we provide our clients with a huge variety of tours
available at an affordable price. Here are the most popular ones.

Just a few of our partners


What our clients say

We had such a wonderful time! Thank you for your attention to details and organizing so well for our family of seven.
James Smith
The timing of the flights, trains, tours, and relaxation time was perfect for us. All the tour guides were kind and accommodating.
Peter Williams
Thank you for a once in a lifetime trip for our family! I would definitely recommend you to use this agency's services for your next trip!
Kate Anderson

Looking for an authentic experience?

We guarantee to provide you with highly rated hotels and comfortable rooms, which will be appreciated by every traveller. Our team aims to deliver the vacation experience of your life.


Check out travel tips & tricks that
make your vacation unforgettable!