
Easter Egg Hunt Celebration Flyer

Easter Egg Hunt Celebration Flyer


Easter Egg Hunt Flyer

You may use this flyer to announce Easter Egg Hunt event or any other.

To make editing easier, files are organized in folders.

Text can be edited, colors can be changed, and items can be moved

You can use any text style you like.

All images used in the above examples are included in the download.

* Flyer : 8.3 x 11.7 inch With 0.125 inch,

* Social Media feeds : 1080px x 1080px

* Social Media Story : 1080px x 1920px

* EPS Format

* Psd Format

* 300dpi Resolution


* Help File


Color: grey, brown, purple,

filesIncluded: PSD, EPS, AI,

tags: advertising, business, card, clean, company, corporate, creative, design, event, flyer, graphic, marketing, modern, poster, print, professional, promotion, simple, template, print template,

Topic: Design, Design & Photography,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,

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"Template #" 316816
Тип: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: herutage
Downloads: 0
Template # 316816
Type: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: herutage
Downloads: 0
Color: grey, brown, purple,

tags: advertising, business, card, clean, company, corporate, creative, design, event, flyer, graphic, marketing, modern, poster, print, professional, promotion, simple, template, print template,

Topic: Design, Design & Photography,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,