
Summer Sunset Beach Party - Corporate Identity Template

Summer Sunset Beach Party - Corporate Identity Template


Best and unique flyer, poster, invitation design for your next event. Easy to modify, change colors, text.


- Psd Files CS 5

- Dimensions: 8.27x11.69 in size with bleeds

- Resolution: 300 dpi CMYK / ready for print

- Editable fonts/text (all Font Free)

- Easy to change colors

- Well Organize Layer

you can find font used at readme file

Color: black, white, pink,

tags: beach, club, dance, design, double, flyer, groove, hot, lightning, music, night, ocean, party, pool, post, poster, print, ready, sea, sexy,

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"Template #" 100242
Тип: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: muhamadiqbalhidayat
Downloads: 2
Template # 100242
Type: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: muhamadiqbalhidayat
Downloads: 2
Color: black, white, pink,

tags: beach, club, dance, design, double, flyer, groove, hot, lightning, music, night, ocean, party, pool, post, poster, print, ready, sea, sexy,

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