
Luxury Mandala Background

Luxury Mandala Background


Luxury abstract mandala background

High quality vector file & ready to use

100% vector file fully editable Easy to edit text/fonts and colors.

File Included :

Adobe Illustrator CC version .AI

Adobe Illustrator CC version .EPS

JPEG Format

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Color: black, purple,

filesIncluded: JPEG, EPS, AI,

tags: element, ethnic, floral, flower, foil, geometry, gold, indian, invitation, lace, mandala, meditation, oriental, ornament, ornamental, pattern, royal, spa, style, symbol logo,

Topic: Jewelry Templates, Fashion & Beauty,

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"Template #" 244777
Тип: Backgrounds
Author: Mr_Stock
Downloads: 0
Template # 244777
Type: Backgrounds
Author: Mr_Stock
Downloads: 0
Color: black, purple,

tags: element, ethnic, floral, flower, foil, geometry, gold, indian, invitation, lace, mandala, meditation, oriental, ornament, ornamental, pattern, royal, spa, style, symbol logo,

Topic: Jewelry Templates, Fashion & Beauty,

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